C V C C h a r i t y

Protection Sector


This sector aims to provide the foundations and protection programs in all its forms for the most vulnerable individuals in various Lebanese regions, through several programs:

Child Protection Program.

The program works to provide a safe and supportive environment for children in general, and for children with special needs in particular, where all children enjoy the right to equality, the right to quality education, and the right to protection from persecution and abuse.

Program to combat gender-based violence.

This program focuses on addressing violence against women and girls by organizing awareness sessions and youth initiatives to spread knowledge and reduce this phenomenon, in addition to launching advocacy campaigns to develop and reform national laws and policies on gender-based violence in coordination with specialized institutions..

Legal Protection Program

The Legal Protection Program provides services that help correct and stabilize the legal status of all residents on Lebanese soil without any discrimination on the basis of their religious, sectarian, ethnic or sexual affiliation.

These services focus on several aspects, including:

• Providing assistance to the judicial authorities and legal advice.

• Judicial representation and legal advice.

• Conducting research, legal studies, and advocacy campaigns.

• Organizing awareness sessions that help spread knowledge and promote legal culture.


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